cls @echo --------- mon2tink.bat --------------------------------- @echo Magnetic mapping for the satellite and the time interval in frame of @echo the month (yymm), which names are used as a parameters. @echo The parameter #4 provide the external magnetic field model selection: @echo To select the T87l model use: mod1i1, mod1i2, ..., or mod1i6 @echo To select the T89KP model use: mod2i1, mod2i2, ..., or mod2i6 @echo To select the T89MP model use: mod3i1, mod3i2, ..., or mod3i7 @echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo The (two-letter) name of the time interval used as parameter #5 (ex. XY) @echo The time interval is created interactively and stored in the file @echo ..\new\geo\yymm\XY.tin. If this file already exists the stored there @echo time interval is used by default. @echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo --------- Parameters: @echo 1) stage (p, m, s, or a) @echo 2) Satellite 1 letter NAME @echo 3) yymm - year, mon @echo 4) the name of the used external model. Possible values: @echo mod1i1 - mod1i6; mod2i1 - mod2i6; mod3i1 - mod3i7 @echo 5) the 2 letter name of the file for the time interval @echo 6) step (sec, integer) @echo 7) name of the file, which contains the resulting files extension set @echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @cd ..\ikiodb @if %7.==. goto noparm @if exist indata\p%2.hed copy indata\p%2.hed orb.hed @if exist indata\f%2.hed copy indata\f%2.hed orb.hed @if not exist orb.hed goto nohed @if not exist ..\ikibat\conf\%4.gmp goto nogmp @if not exist %1%2%3\%1%2%3.elm goto noelm @if not exist %1%2%3\%5.tin goto notin @copy %1%2%3\%5.tin %1%2%3\%1%2%3%5.tin @copy ..\ikibat\conf\%7.set orb.set ..\ikiorb\satmat5\intredkp<..\ikibat\conf\rbmod ..\ikibat\conf\%4.gmp %6 %1%2%3\%1%2%3%5 :done @del mus @del orb.* @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo The calculation done. See the results @goto end :notin @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo There is not of the file ..\ikiodb\%1%2%3\%5.tin @goto end :nohed @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo * There is neither P%2.HED or F%2.HED files in directory @echo * ..\ikiodb\indata. Provide any of them and try again @goto end :nogmp @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo * there is not of the file ' %4.gmp' in the dir ..ikibat\conf @goto end :noelm @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo * Check in the dir ..\ikiodb\%1%2%3 the existing of the files: @echo * ------ '%1%2%3.elm', '%1%2%3.str', '%1%2%3.ymd' @echo * ------ Execute mon1c.bat for this files preparing @goto end :noparm @echo You forget to declare one of the 6 parameters. Try again. :end @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- @cd ..\ikibat @pause